
Rice export as a key issue for Thai-Malaysia talks

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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April 25, 2008
Bangkok - Rice export will be another key issue for the Thai and Malaysian leaders during Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej’s two-day visit to Malaysia.

Rice export as well as insurgency are the two key issues during his visit.

PM Samak yesterday emphasized his government is committed to solving the southern unrest through reconciliation and peaceful means.

International demand for Thai rice has soared after other top exporters Vietnam and India imposed limits on what they sell abroad to ensure domestic supply.

"Rice being the staple food of both countries, it is pertinent for us to have a proper neighbourly arrangement," said Rais Malaysian foreign minister Rais Yatim.

Thailand exports 480,000 tons (480 million kilos) a year to Malaysia and that accounts for 60% of Malaysia’s rice imports.

"So long as the 480,000 tonnes (are still provided for), that's good enough to start with," he added.

Samak and his Malaysian counterpart are later expected to chair a meeting between delegations from the two countries on joint development projects, transport links and potential gas pipelines between the neighbors.