
Thai man charged for refusing to stand for anthem

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

April 23, 2008
Bangkok - A Thai man who refused to stand up when the royal anthem was played in a cinema has been charged with lese majeste -- offending the dignity of the monarch, police said Wednesday.

Chotisak Onsoong, 27, on September 19 last year failed to get to his feet when the anthem was played before the film started.
It is customary in Thailand to stand up to show respect when the anthem is played.

"I don't think I have violated any law as there is no law which requires such action, thus it's the right of any individual to choose what to do," Chotisak told AFP.

"No matter what the interpretation of the law is, I don't think I did anything wrong," he added.

Police only pressed charges against him more than six months after the incident and without questioning him or producing any witnesses.

He plans to seek clemency from the attorney general, who is supposed to bring the charge to court.

Bangkok police confirmed that they have charged Chotisak with lese majeste for not standing up during the royal anthem, which is punishable by up to 15 years in jail.

Police refused to discuss the case.

Anyone convicted of defaming, insulting or threatening the king or queen faces between three and 15 years in prison.