
Still a long road home for Thaksin

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

January 29, 2008
BANGKOK - Though the People Power Party (PPP) now leads a new government, it is still a long road home for Thaksin due to a number of graft charges.

The PPP’s Samak Sundaravej,was voted as a prime minister yesterday and a new government is expected to take office by next week.

"Even though a PPP-led coalition is taking over, that doesn't mean Thaksin will return home earlier than May," Thaksin spokesman Noppadon Pattama told AFP.

He added the new government will not interfere in the judicial process.

The Assets Examination Committee (AEC)’s mandate expires in June, and the new government will not extend it.

Any remaining cases would be transferred to the National Counter Corruption Commission (NCCC), according to Noppadon.

So far, little tangible progress has been made on the allegations surrounding the Shinawatra family's sale of Shin Corp.

The AEC has been investigating how Thaksin's family managed to earn 2.2 billion dollars off the sale without paying taxes, and has frozen about two billion dollars of his assets pending the outcome of their probe.

Thaksin and his family have denied any wrongdoing.

The PPP has already discussed the possibility of an amnesty for Thaksin.

Analysts believe an amnesty can spark a backlash from the public and the generals who staged the coup.

Many Thais are now more worried about the country's sluggish economy than political issues, said Somjai Phagaphasvivat, a political analyst at Thammasat University.

If Samak government handles the economy well, the public may not care how Thaksin manages to return to Thailand. Besides, Manchester City club is a good excuse for Thaksin to stay overseas at the moment before coming back in May.