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An employee of the Group of Study and control of varieties and seeds (Groupe dEtude et de controle des Varietes Et des Semences - Geves) sorts seeds thanks to a microscope in a laboratory at the GEVES headquarters in Beaucouze, western France on September 29, 2017. Loic Venance/AFP
In Anjou, hundreds of seeds candidate for germination have been controlled for 30 years in all seams, from the DNA to the pericarp (envelope), before obtaining the right to spread throughout Europe.

Behind the discrete walls of glass and concrete of the GEVES (Study and Control Group of varieties and seeds), in the suburbs of Angers, the seeds pass numerous tests.
An employee of the Group of Study and control of varieties and seeds (Groupe dEtude et de controle des Varietes Et des Semences - Geves) sorts seeds in a laboratory at the GEVES headquarters in Beaucouze, western France on September 29, 2017. Loic Venance/AFP
An employee of the Group of Study and control of varieties and seeds (Groupe dEtude et de controle des Varietes Et des Semences - Geves) works on germinated seeds in a laboratory at the GEVES headquarters in Beaucouze, western France on September 29, 2017. Loic Venance/AFP
An employee of the Group of Study and control of varieties and seeds (Groupe dEtude et de controle des Varietes Et des Semences - Geves) sorts seeds thanks to a microscope in a laboratory at the GEVES headquarters in Beaucouze, western France on September 29, 2017. Loic Venance/AFP
An employee of the Group of Study and control of varieties and seeds (Groupe dEtude et de controle des Varietes Et des Semences - Geves) works on colored barley seeds in a laboratory at the GEVES headquarters in Beaucouze, western France on September 29, 2017. Loic Venance/AFP
An employee of the Group of Study and control of varieties and seeds (Groupe dEtude et de controle des Varietes Et des Semences - Geves) works on seeds in a laboratory at the GEVES headquarters in Beaucouze, western France on September 29, 2017. Loic Venance/AFP
An employee of the Group of Study and control of varieties and seeds (Groupe dEtude et de controle des Varietes Et des Semences - Geves) sorts seeds thanks to a microscope in a laboratory at the GEVES headquarters in Beaucouze, western France on September 29, 2017. Loic Venance/AFP
An employee of the Group of Study and control of varieties and seeds (Groupe dEtude et de controle des Varietes Et des Semences - Geves) shows a label works as he works on lettuces seeds in a laboratory at the GEVES headquarters in Beaucouze, western France on September 29, 2017. Loic Venance/AFP
An employee of the Group of Study and control of varieties and seeds (Groupe dEtude et de controle des Varietes Et des Semences - Geves) works on seeds in a laboratory at the GEVES headquarters in Beaucouze, western France on September 29, 2017. Loic Venance/AFP
An employee of the Group of Study and control of varieties and seeds (Groupe dEtude et de controle des Varietes Et des Semences - Geves) shows mushrooms on germated seeds in a laboratory at the GEVES headquarters in Beaucouze, western France on September 29, 2017. Loic Venance/AFP