
Great Cold Spot

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

This composite image provided by NASA on Thursday, June 30, 2016 shows auroras on the planet Jupiter. This image produced by NASA using a photograph captured by the Hubble Space Telescope in spring 2014, and ultraviolet observations of the auroras in 2016. (NASA/ESA/Hubble via AP)
Scientists reported a "Great Cold Spot" in the thermospehere of the planet on April 11. Unlike its familiar Great Red Spot, this newly discovered weather system is continually changing in shape and size. It's formed by the energy from Jupiter's polar auroras.
This composite image provided by NASA on Thursday, June 30, 2016 shows auroras on the planet Jupiter. This image produced by NASA using a photograph captured by the Hubble Space Telescope in spring 2014, and ultraviolet observations of the auroras in 2016. (NASA/ESA/Hubble via AP)