
Maid cafes

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Tokyo, Tokyo: Wearing maid and special characters costumes, girls who work in Akihabara geek culture district splash water at Kanda Shrine to cool the precinct in Tokyo on August 14, 2016. AFP/Toru Yamanaka
Some 30 girls working at "maid cafes" took part in the annual summer event, splashing water in Tokyo.
Tokyo, Tokyo: Wearing maid and special characters costumes, girls who work in Akihabara geek culture district splash water at Kanda Shrine to cool the precinct in Tokyo on August 14, 2016. AFP/Toru Yamanaka
Tokyo, Tokyo: Wearing maid and special characters costumes, girls who work in Akihabara geek culture district splash water at Kanda Shrine to cool the precinct in Tokyo on August 14, 2016. AFP/Toru Yamanaka
Tokyo, Tokyo: Wearing maid and special characters costumes, girls who work in Akihabara geek culture district splash water at Kanda Shrine to cool the precinct in Tokyo on August 14, 2016. AFP/Toru Yamanaka