
Tuk-tuk in Africa

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

Monrovia: A picture taken on October 10, 2015, shows a woman getting off an auto-rickshaw in the streets of Monrovia. AFP/Zoom Dosso
Omnipresent on the chaotic streets of Mumbai, Jakarta and Bangkok, Asia's three-wheeled "tuk-tuk" has now come to Africa -- and with a two-fold bonus: providing much-needed jobs and slashing accidents.

Cheap to run and safer than the traditional motorcycle taxi, the auto-rickshaw is an increasingly common sight trundling along the traffic-choked streets of the continent's sprawling capitals.
Monrovia: A picture taken on October 10, 2015, shows auto-rickshaws in the streets of Monrovia. AFP/Zoom Dosso
Monrovia: A picture taken on October 10, 2015, shows auto-rickshaws in the streets of Monrovia. AFP/Zoom Dosso
Monrovia: A picture taken on October 10, 2015, shows auto-rickshaws in the streets of Monrovia. AFP/Zoom Dosso