
Giant sinkhole

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New Yorkers living in the borough of Brooklyn woke to a strange sight on Tuesday -- a giant sinkhole had swallowed an enormous chunk of road.
New Yorkers living in the borough of Brooklyn woke to a strange sight on Tuesday -- a giant sinkhole had swallowed an enormous chunk of road.

The sinkhole, formed by the natural process of erosion, appeared early this morning at an intersection in the neighborhood of Sunset Park, according to the Fire Department.

The gaping hole exposed torn pipes and crushed asphalt at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and 64th Street. No one was hurt.
New York, New York, UNITED STATES: New York City firefighters work at the scene where a sinkhole opened up in Brooklyn, New York on August 4, 2015. PHOTO/Kena Betanbur
New York, New York, UNITED STATES: Workers with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection work at the scene where a sinkhole opened up in Brooklyn, New York on August 4, 2015.  PHOTO/Kena Betancur
New York, New York, UNITED STATES: Emergency workers at the scene where a sinkhole opened up in Brooklyn, New York on August 4, 2015. PHOTO/Kena Betancur
New York, New York, UNITED STATES: A worker of New York City Department of Environmental Protection attends an emergency where a giant sinkhole opened up at Sunset Park in Brooklyn, New York on August 04, 2015. PHOTO/Kena Betancur