
The Sisters reality show

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BEIT MISK, LEBANON: Stars of the Lebanese television reality show The Sisters Nadine (C) Alice (L) and Farah (R), known as Abdel Aziz sisters, pose for a picture at their villa in the upscale area of Beit-Misk north east of the capital, Beirut, on April 1, 2015. AFP PHOTO/Joseph Eid
The girls have been promoted as the Lebanese version of the Kardashian sisters, but the starlets of the reality show "The Sisters" are struggling to make the show a hit and tire their compatriots who find it hard to relate to their stories.
BEIT MISK, LEBANON: Stars of the Lebanese television reality show The Sisters Nadine (L) Alice (R) and Farah (C), known as Abdel Aziz sisters, check their mobiles at their villa in the upscale area of Beit-Misk north east of the capital, Beirut, on April 1, 2015. AFP PHOTO/Joseph Eid
BEIT MISK, LEBANON: Stars of the Lebanese television reality show The Sisters Farah (R), Nadine (C) and Alice (L), known as Abdel Aziz sisters, chat at their villa in the upscale area of Beit-Misk north east of the capital, Beirut, on April 1, 2015. AFP PHOTO/Joseph Eid
BEIT MISK, LEBANON: Stars of the Lebanese television reality show The Sisters Nadine (L) Alice (C) and Farah (R), known as Abdel Aziz sisters, pose for a picture at their villa in the upscale area of Beit-Misk north east of the capital, Beirut, on April 1, 2015. AFP PHOTO/Joseph Eid