
100-year-old beggar celebrated as living saint in Bulgaria

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Sofia, BULGARIA: The 100-year-old Dobri Dobrev, known as Grandpa Dobri, begs for alms in the porch of the golden-doomed Alexander Nevski cathedral, in the center of Sofia, on April 20, 2014. In a country ravaged by poverty and corruption, a centenarian beggar is celebrated as a saint: the ascetic Grandpa Dobri has spent over twenty years begging for the Church. AFP PHOTO/Nikolay Doychinov

June 2, 2014
SOFIA (AFP) - A 100-year-old beggar in a threadbare coat, "Grandpa" Dobri, is already celebrated as a saint in Bulgaria -- a symbol of goodness in a country ravaged by poverty and corruption.

For over 20 years, Dobri Dobrev has been begging on the streets of Sofia, collecting alms worth tens of thousands of euros. And he has given it all to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

This has made him the largest private donor of the golden-domed Alexander Nevski cathedral even as he maintains an ascetic lifestyle.

"Take some bread, it comes from God!" the hunched old man mutters under his straggly white beard, offering believers the buns that other people give him as they drop coins into his plastic cup and bend to kiss his hand.

"He gave us 35,700 leva (18,250 euros, $24,900) in 2009, while living a life deprived of all comfort," Bishop Tikhon, chairman of the cathedral's trustees board, told AFP.

"Dobri is an extremely rare phenomenon."

Several smaller monasteries and churches also say they have received between 2,500 and 10,000 euros each from the small man wearing peasant leather sandals.

These sums are considerable in Bulgaria, which remains the European Union's poorest member seven years after joining the bloc and where the average monthly salary is about 420 euros.