
Innorobo 2014

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Romeo, a humanoid robot from Aldebaran, is on display during the Innorobo 2014 fair (Innovation Robotics Summit) in Lyon March 18, 2014. Innorobo is an annual venue for companies and research centres to present their latest technologies in robotics. REUTERS/Robert Pratta
Romeo, a humanoid robot from Aldebaran, was displayed along with other robots during the Innorobo 2014 event in Lyon, France.
A robot from CPE is displayed during the Innorobo 2014 fair (Innovation Robotics Summit) in Lyon March 18, 2014. Innorobo is an annual venue for companies and research centres to present their latest technologies in robotics. REUTERS/Robert Pratta
A robot from CRIIF is displayed during the Innorobo 2014 fair (Innovation Robotics Summit) in Lyon March 18, 2014. Innorobo is an annual venue for companies and research centres to present their latest technologies in robotics. REUTERS/Robert Pra
Robots play chess during the Innorobo 2014 fair (Innovation Robotics Summit) in Lyon March 18, 2014. Innorobo is an annual venue for companies and research centres to present their latest technologies in robotics. REUTERS/Robert Pratta