
Oldest man in Bolivia

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

Frasquia, BOLIVIA: Aymara native Carmelo Flores Laura, said to be 123 years old, is seen in Frasquia, 150 kms east of La Paz, on August 14, 2013. Flores Laura was born on July 16, 1890, and is allegedly the oldest person in Bolivia. AFP PHOTO/Gobernacion
Born on July 16, 1890, Carmelo Flores Laura, 123, was believed to become the oldest person in Bolivia.
Frasquia, BOLIVIA: Aymara native Carmelo Flores Laura, said to be 123 years old, is seen in Frasquia, 150 kms east of La Paz, on August 14, 2013. Flores Laura was born on July 16, 1890, and is allegedly the oldest person in Bolivia. AFP PHOTO/Gobernacion