
Fire in Kehris

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

KEHRIES, GREECE: Wildfires, fanned by strong winds, approach a house at a village of Kehries, in the Peloponese region some 110kms southwest of Athens on August 4, 2013. AFP PHOTO/Valerie Gachethe
Firemen attempted to put out wildfires fanned by strong winds in the village of Kehries, 110 kilometres southwest of Athens.
KEHRIES, GREECE: A volunteer tries to estinguish a wildfire, fanned by strong winds, in the village of Kehries, in the Peloponese region some 110kms southwest of Athens on August 4, 2013. AFP PHOTO/Valerie Gache
KEHRIES, GREECE: Firefighters try to extinguish a wildfire, fanned by strong winds, in the village of Kehries, in the Peloponese region some 110kms southwest of Athens, on August 4, 2013. AFP PHOTO/Valerie Gache
KEHRIES, GREECE: A firefighting plane drops water at a wildfire, fanned by strong winds at a village of Kehries, at the Peloponese region some 110kms southwest of Athens on August 4, 2013. AFP PHOTO/Valerie Gache