
Floods in Germany

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Deggendorf, Bavaria, GERMANY: A rescuer looks at submerged new cars on the parking of a car dealership in the Bavarian village Fischerdorf near Deggendorf, southern Germany, on June 5, 2013 after Danube river broke its banks. Surging waters that have claimed at least 11 lives and forced tens of thousands of evacuations across central Europe bore down on southern and eastern Germany. TOPSHOTS/AFP PHOTO/Christof Stache
Surging waters that have claimed at least 11 lives and forced tens of thousands of evacuations across central Europe bore down on southern and eastern Germany.
Fischerdorf, Bavaria, GERMANY: A tractor is submerged with water in the Bavarian village Fischerdorf near Deggendorf, southern Germany, on June 5, 2013. Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged 100 million euros in emergency aid for flood-ravaged areas as surging waters that have claimed at least 11 lives and forced tens of thousands of evacuations across central Europe bore down on eastern Germany. AFP PHOTO/Christof Stache
Loebnitz, Saxony, GERMANY: Aerial view shows a dam breaking near Loebnitz, eastern Germany, on June 5, 2013. Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged 100 million euros in emergency aid for flood-ravaged areas as surging waters that have claimed at least 11 lives and forced tens of thousands of evacuations across central Europe bore down on eastern Germany. AFP PHOTO/Matthias Hiekel
Dresden, Saxony, GERMANY: Landing stages at the river Elbe are overflooded in Dresden, eastern Germany, on June 5, 2013. Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged 100 million euros in emergency aid for flood-ravaged areas as surging waters that have claimed at least 11 lives and forced tens of thousands of evacuations across central Europe bore down on eastern Germany. AFP PHOTO/Robert Michael