
Military exercises in Ukraine

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Ghytomyr, UKRAINE: Two Ukrainian Su-25, refered to by NATO as Frogfoot, leave smoke behind them during military exercises dubbed Perspekyiva-2012 (Perspective-2012) not far from the city of Ghytomyr, some 170 kms from Kiev, on September 27, 2012. About 900 soldiers and 145 vehicles including tanks, helicopters, planes and others took part in experimental special tactical training with live fire. AFP PHOTO/Sergei Supinsky
About 145 tanks, helicopters, planes and others participated in the Perspective-2012 military exercises in Ghytomyr.
Ghytomyr, UKRAINE: Two Russian-made Mi-24 or Hind Ukraine army helicopters perform an attack during military exercises dubbed Perspekyiva-2012 (Perspective-2012) near the city of Ghytomyr, some 170 kms from Kiev, on September 27, 2012. About 900 soldiers and 145 vehicles including tanks, helicopters, planes and others took part in experimental special tactical training with live fire. AFP PHOTO/Sergei Supinsky
Ghytomyr, UKRAINE: A Ukrainian Su-25, refered to by NATO as Frogfoot, flys below a passanger aircraft during military exercises dubbed Perspekyiva-2012 (Perspective-2012) near the city of Ghytomyr, some 170 kms from Kiev, on September 27, 2012. About 900 soldiers and 145 vehicles including tanks, helicopters, planes and others took part in experimental special tactical training with live fire. AFP PHOTO/Sergei Supinsky
Ghytomyr, UKRAINE: A Ukrainian Su-24, refered to by NATO as Fencer take part in a military exercise dubbed Perspekyiva-2012 (Perspective-2012) not far from the city of Ghytomyr, some 170 kms from Kiev, on September 27, 2012. About 900 soldiers and 145 vehicles including tanks, helicopters, planes and others took part in experimental special tactical training with live fire. AFP PHOTO/Sergei Supinsky
Ghytomyr, UKRAINE: A Ukrainian officer stands on a T-80 tank during a military exercise dubbed Perspekyiva-2012 (Perspective-2012) not far from the city of Ghytomyr, some 170 kms from Kiev, on September 27, 2012. About 900 soldiers and 145 vehicles including tanks, helicopters, planes and others took part in experimental special tactical training with live fire. AFP PHOTO/Sergei Supinsky