May 16, 2012
SYDNEY (AFP) - Rangers who shot a saltwater crocodile that was terrorising pets in northern Australia found a dog, a pair of shorts, a football and a nappy in its stomach, a report said Wednesday.
Police notified authorities recently that a crocodile had eaten at least one dog and was lunging at others along a beach near the community of Galiwinku.
The Northern Territory News said rangers who went to the area Tuesday saw the 3.5 metre (11 feet 6 inches) croc grab a dog by the leg, and they shot it.
As well as finding the remains of a dog in its stomach, they discovered a variety of other items.
"While it might make a comical headline, it is disturbing to see the volume of rubbish in a wild animal," said the newspaper, which routinely runs crocodile stories on its front page.
Saltwater crocodiles, which can grow up to seven metres long and weigh more than a tonne, are a common feature of Australia's tropical north and kill an average of two people a year.