
Bio battery

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Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN: School children try to generate electricity from a bio battery, observed by running a small fan (L) developed by Sony, that generates electricity from the cellilose of recycle paper, at a workshop of the Eco-Products exhibition in Tokyo on December 15, 2011. Sony exhibited various eco-friendly power sources, including the bio batteries at the exhibition. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu Tsuno
Students learned how to generate electricity from a bio battery during a workshop in Tokyo.
Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN: An employee of Sony demonstrates a new bio battery, generated from the cellilose of recycle papers, powering a fan (L) at the Eco-Products exhibition in Tokyo on december 15, 2011. The electric fan is powered by a bio battery cell whose energy source is solution of cardboard. Sony exhibited various eco-friendly power sources, including the bio batteries at the exhibition. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu Tsuno
Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN: School children try to generate electricity from a bio battery, observed by running a small fan (L) developed by Sony, that generates electricity from the cellilose of recycle paper, at a workshop of the Eco-Products exhibition in Tokyo on December 15, 2011. Sony exhibited various eco-friendly power sources, including the bio batteries at the exhibition. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu Tsuno
Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN: An employee of Sony demonstrates a new bio battery, generated from the cellilose of recycle papers, powering a fan (L) at the Eco-Products exhibition in Tokyo on december 15, 2011. The electric fan is powered by a bio battery cell whose energy source is solution of cardboard. Sony exhibited various eco-friendly power sources, including the bio batteries at the exhibition. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu Tsuno