
Lamborghini, Skoda to unveil new models

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This photo was taken in January 2011. Skoda will take aim at Korean rivals Kia and Hyundai with a five-seat model from 2012 that is being designed in cooperation with VW. AFP Photo.

March 1, 2011
FRANKFURT (AFP) - Italian sportscar maker Lamborghini and Czech Skoda, owned by German auto giant Volkswagen, plan new models at opposite ends of the price scale, press reports said Tuesday.

Skoda will take aim at Korean rivals Kia and Hyundai with a five-seat model from 2012 that is being designed in cooperation with VW, Europe's biggest car maker, boss Winfried Vahland told the German business daily Handelsblatt.

The Czech company plans to build the car at home as well as in China and India, for an estimated price of 12,000 euros ($16,500), he added.

At the high end meanwhile, Lamborghini is working on a third model meant to be "an everyday car," its boss Stephan Winkelmann told the Financial Times Deutschland.

The new Lamborghini is not likely to be available before 2015 at the earliest however, the newspaper noted.