
Python newlyweds draw crowds in Cambodia

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

Kandal, -, CAMBODIA : A Cambodian man holds his female pet python called Chamreun (L) as a woman holds her male pet python called Krong Pich in a cage after a wedding ceremony in Kandal province, 20 kilometers south of Phnom Penh on January 3, 2011. AFP PHOTO/TANG CHHIN SOTHY

February 21, 2011
Bangkok (AFP) - Hundreds of Cambodians celebrated a surprising wedding ceremony for pythons which they believed would help bring good luck and harmony to their villages.

Villagers gathered in Kandal province to mark the wedding of their pet pythons designed to avoid illness and disease and to bring good luck and happiness for the villagers.

The Pythonidae which is also known as python refers to non-venomous snakes found in Australia, Asia as well as Africa, according to wikipedia website. Twenty six species of them are now recognized.

Pythons are also found in India, Myanmar, the Philippines, Indonesia, China and New Guinea.

Burmese pythons were found in the United States and have long been in the Everglades National Park since the late 1990s.

Most of pythons are ambush predators and are camouflaged in their motionless position. They will not attack humans unless provoked.

However, attacks on human beings were common in South and Southeast Asia.

Being the capital of Ta Khmao town, Kandal is a province in Cambodia excluding Phnom Penh. It is 20 kilometers south of Phnom Penh.

It is the place where Rithy Panh's "The Rice People" film was shot, according to wikipedia website.
Kandal, -, CAMBODIA : A woman and children look at male pet python called Krong Pich in a cage after a wedding ceremony in Kandal province, 20 kilometers south of Phnom Penh on January 3, 2011. AFP PHOTO
Kandal, -, CAMBODIA : A Cambodian man carries his female pet python called Chamreun (R) as a woman carries her male pet python called Krong Pich (L) during a wedding ceremony in Kandal province, 20 kilometers south of Phnom Penh on January 3, 2011. AFP PHOTO
This photo retrieved February 17, 2011 is from www.google.co.th. Picture shows Sa ang and Ta Khmao Operational Districts in Kandal province.
This photo retrieved February 17, 2011 is from www.google.co.th. The Pythonidae, commonly known simply as pythons, are some of the largest snakes in the world.
This photo retrieved February 17, 2011 is from www.google.co.th. The Pythonidae, commonly known simply as pythons, are some of the largest snakes in the world.
This photo retrieved February 17, 2011 is from www.google.co.th. The Pythonidae, commonly known simply as pythons, are some of the largest snakes in the world.
This photo retrieved February 17, 2011 is from www.google.co.th. The Pythonidae, commonly known simply as pythons, are some of the largest snakes in the world.