
Signs emerge for progress in Myanmar: EU envoy

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EU special envoy for Myanmar, Piero Fassino answers questions from the press in 2008. Opportunities are emerging for a

November 28, 2009
ROME (AFP) - Opportunities are emerging for a breakthrough in the political stalemate in military-ruled Myanmar, including the possibility of talks with the junta, and they must not be missed, an EU envoy said Friday.

Italian politician Piero Fassino, the European Union special envoy on Myanmar, discussed efforts to push democracy in the state with Asian leaders during a just-ended tour of Southeast Asia.

"A window of opportunity with regards to the Myanmar dossier seems to be opening up as a result of the recent encouraging events," Fassino said in a statement.

These included a "new, inclusive approach" from US President Barack Obama and subsequent indications from the military rulers that they were available for talks, he said.

Fassino also cited a November letter from detained Myanmar opposition figure Aung San Suu Kyi to the chief of the junta, Senior General Than Shwe, asking for a meeting, and the efforts of Asian nations.

"All these events represent opportunities not to be missed," Fassino said.

Ahead of 2010 elections, "every step towards a free, transparent and credible electoral process needs to be encouraged," he said.

Suu Kyi, who is barred from contesting next year's elections, and Than Shwe have not met since 2002.

The democracy icon has been in detention for 14 of the past 20 years and had her house arrest extended by a further 18 months in

August after being convicted over a bizarre incident in which a US man swam to her lakeside house.

Myanmar has been ruled by the military since 1962, when the country was known as Burma.

A UN commission issued a resolution this month expressing "grave concern" over widespread rights abuses in Myanmar and detention of political prisoners, including Suu Kyi.