
Robot snake is new spy

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Ananova web.

July 3, 2009
Israeli military scientists have reportedly designed a robotic snake which can spy on enemies and plant bombs.

The robotic snake can even stand up vertically to peer over obstacles, reports Sky News.

The remote-controlled reptile is able to sneak through cracks in buildings to gather information on enemy combatants, according to Israel's Channel 2 TV.

Researchers studied the movements of snakes to ensure that the robotic equivalent mimics them correctly.

A soldier controls the snake from a remote laptop and can follow what it sees via video cameras.

Footage posted online shows the six-foot long snake in camouflage gear, winding its way through rocks and tree stumps.

The video is getting thousands of hits on YouTube after a user called 'Korozzz' posted it.

The Israel Defence Forces plan to equip combat units with the models, which could also be used to find survivors trapped in collapsed buildings.

A TV report said the snake is in the experimental stage and the cost of producing multiple versions is as yet unknown.

Researchers at Israel's Ben-Gurion University inspired the design after undertaking a robotic animals project.