
Showering reflects personality

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


March 19, 2009
Bangkok (Own Source) – How you take a shower simply tells your personality just like your palms, face and birthday reflect your fortune. Where you first start showering does matter.

You are patient, mild but not weak. You are always successful in what you do since you have never surrendered to any setbacks. You are quite selective when it comes to love. Your love has to be perfect and able to take care of you.

You are confident and dare to risk. You will do whatever you want. Sometimes, this makes you look selfish. For love, money always comes first. Appearance does not matter as long as that person has money.

You are indecisive and not successful in what you do. You like luxurious social events and spend money unreasonably. Love rarely comes into your life and you are so selective.

You are straightforward and sincere. You like to update yourself on fashion and do not welcome disagreement. For love, you try to find a person who is patient with your straightforward words and agrees with you.

You are sensitive, weak and anxious. You lack confidence and always need somebody to depend on. For love, you want someone who is reliable and stands by your side. You prefer a warm person who can be a good advisor.

Private part
You are withdrawn, not confident and shy. For love, all you can do is waiting since you do not dare to express your feeling. You believe the person you love will come to you.

You are very down to earth. You do not have high expectations about things around you and are not so serious. You prefer romantic and sweet love.