
Most people pray for wealth and happiness during festival

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

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January 24, 2009
Bangkok (ASTV Manager Online) – Thai-Chinese people prayed for prosperity and happiness when worshipping Chinese gods, according to a poll.

Bangkok University surveyed 1,108 Thai-Chinese people who bought products at eleven markets. The poll was conducted during January 21-22.

39.5 percent of the respondents prayed for prosperous business, wealth, happiness and good health.

Only 7.3 percent wanted peaceful country and unity while 6.8 percent prayed for better economy.

53.4 percent believed Abhisit government would be able to solve the economic problem whereas 46.6 percent were not sure that the government could solve the problem.

70.7 percent were confident that poultry would be safe whereas 29.3 percent were not.

19 billion baht would be spent during the Chinese New Year Festival, according to the Thai Farmer Research Center.

4.7 billion baht would be spent on worship stuff and 7.4 billion baht on red envelopes.