
Activity held to mark World AIDS Day 2008

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


December 2, 2008
Bangkok - The Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Center yesterday held the Tian Song Jai event to mark the World AIDS Day this year.

Dr. Prapan Panupak, director of the AIDS Research Center, said the event has been held by the Thai Red Cross Society in cooperation with other organizations for the past 14-15 years.

Youths have been the most worrying group for the past three years. The infection rate increased 20 percent.

The infection rate was quite high, especially among homosexual people.

Higher rate of venereal disease was found. This reflects Thai people tend to have unprotected sex more.

Prapan was afraid that the AIDS disease would spread again.

World AIDS Day is to raise the awareness of the HIV infection. More than 25 million people have been killed by AIDS between 1981 and 2007.

It was estimated that 33 million people lived with AIDS disease in 2007.