
Thai prostitute killed in Switzerland

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online


September 24, 2008
GENEVA (AFP) - A Thai prostitute who went missing late last month was found murdered in eastern Switzerland on Tuesday, allegedly killed by a convicted rapist, police said.

The young woman's body was found in a forest near the home of the alleged killer in the canton of Thurgau during a police search that was launched after a passer-by found her clothes strewn on the ground, police said.

Her alleged murderer, a 41-year-old Swiss man, was a known client of the prostitute and had spent over eight years in prison during the 1990s on different charges of rape and violent assault, investigating magistrate Alexandra Ott Mueller told Swiss news agency ATS.

The man has been in preventive custody since the young Thai prostitute was reported missing on August 27.

The woman worked as a call-girl for a Zurich escort agency and had been driven to the client by one of its chauffeurs on the night of August 26. She failed to appear when the chauffeur went to pick her up the next morning and he then raised the alarm with the police.