
15% export growth expected

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

AFP Photo.

July 24, 2008
Bangkok - The Thai Farmers Research Center expects this year’s export growth will rise over 15% despite many risk factors such as energy prices and US sluggish economy.

It was estimated Thailand’s 2008 exports would grow not less than 15% while imports would rise not less than 25%.

The trade deficit could reach three billion dollars for the whole year.

The country’s export and import growth would be affected by the fluctuating oil and consumer product prices in the world market.

The United States economic delay and financial problem may affect goods demand from Thailand.

Thailand’s capital goods still depends on the domestic investment condition and spending.

Thailand’s exports hiked 27.4% in June, with total value of 16 billion dollars, according to commerce ministry.

Imports grew 30.7% and the trade surplus was 627 million dollars.