
Business sector afraid govt’ violence policy will delay investment

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

AFP Photo.

June 2, 2008
Bangkok - The business sector expressed concerns Thailand’s economy could be delayed by the political situation though it began to improve in the first quarter.

Santi Vilassakdanont, president of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI), said Thailand’s economic growth was driven by the exports. Luckily, the prices of the agricultural products have also risen since last year.

But, the economic growth can be bad if the political situation is still uncertain.

The growth will only be 4%-5% instead of the planned 6% growth if the political uncertainty escalates.

Santi also said that investors, especially Thai investors, already delayed their investment at home for fear people’s purchasing power would drop more.

Pramont Sutheewong, president of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, said he wanted the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) and the government to consult and find the solution together.

Pramont added the country’s economy already suffered from the soaring oil prices. It should not be worsened by the political factor.