
Thailand arrests eight North Korean refugees: police

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

March 15, 2008
CHIANG RAI, Thailand - Thai police arrested eight North Koreans Saturday for illegal entry into the kingdom, which has become a popular destination for defectors from the communist state, an official said.

The eight -- two men, five women and a girl -- were detained in northern Chiang Rai province, Lieutenant Colonel Pirom Sutha said, adding the North Koreans were on a bus bound for Bangkok, according to AFP.

They were caught after failing to present their ID cards during police security checks.

Chronic food and energy shortages in North Korea have driven unknown numbers of people to flee the communist state, with many risking the long journey across China to Thailand in the hope of getting eventual resettlement.

Thai courts regularly declare North Koreans refugees, rather than jailing them, and allow them to be resettled in South Korea.

Thai border police say the number of North Koreans arriving here has tapered off in recent months, which they attribute to increased patrols by China along its border with North Korea.

Beijing returns North Koreans caught on its territory, saying they are economic migrants.