
Heavy raining expected in Bangkok

เผยแพร่:   โดย: MGR Online

February 8, 2008
Bangkok - 10-30% raining is expected in Bangkok during February 6-9. The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration will prepare officials to cope with the situation.

Bangkok Governor Mr. Apirak Kosayodhin revealed he was told by the Department of Drainage and Sewerage (DDS) raining in the past few days was caused by high-pressure mass which passed the upper part of Thailand. The high-pressure mass also met with humidity from the Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea.

The amount of rain was measured at 52.5 millimetres in Saimai District on February 3.

This year’s rainfall is 69 millimetres compared to only 9.1 millimetres thirty years ago.

The DDS forecast about 10-30% rainfall in Bangkok during February 6-8.

DDS and district offices get ready to handle the situation.

Officials are prepared to work around the clock at the water pumps and water pump stations.